this is the last one
just one more
never again
why can’t I break this habit
addiction can be physical and/or psychological and it is when we have an inability to stop consuming a chemical or engaging in a behaviour even though it is causing us psychological and often physical harm and ‘addicts’ become dependent on the behaviour or substance to cope with daily life.
the primary symptoms of addiction are:
engaging in increasingly risky behaviours to seek out substance or behaviour
losing interest in activities outside the addiction
anger towards people who suggest there is an addiction
hiding behaviours or substances
change in appearance/hygiene
continuing a behaviour or substance despite knowing it’s harmful impact on you
experiencing anxiety, irritability, fatigue or appetite impacted when without the substance or behaviour (with physical addictions, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea and tremors may also be present)
some more information on specific addictions can be found below. Please note these are links to 12 step websites and not medical diagnoses