When we feel as if we have lost ourselves and cannot identify or know our own reality or when we cannot express our own reality in an adult, boundaried way then we may be suffering from codependency.
Of course, some forms of codependence or necessary for survival such as an infant being (co)dependent on their caregivers. That’s not what we are talking about here. Here are some signs that codependency may be problematic for you:
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty identifying your feelings
Problems communicating in any kind of relationship
Seeking and valuing the approval and validation of others to know you are enough
No trust in yourself
Low self esteem
Fears of abandonment leading to obsessive need for approval
A dependence on romantic relationships even when they are detrimental to you
Thinking you are responsible for others
Attracted to relationships with people in active addiction (and finding yourself in addiction)
These are just a few of the signs and codependency can really show up in very subtle ways - recovery from codependency can be incredibly freeing and of course takes a willingness to do the work at a pace you are comfortable with.